"...I turn my gaze away from You and soon forget to pray..."

The title to this blog state my current struggle at this time. Some of you may know where the words come from...they're from an old Ron Hamilton song...if you want to see all the lyrics, I postem them a while back. The song is called "Lord I need you."

Like I said this part of the song expresses my struggles lately. God has given me victory as of late in an area of my life where I have been struggling for years...and as a result I have turned my eyes away from God. No conscious decision was made to do this, but it has happened. It's like I think..."Well...I've been given victory over this...I don't need God anymore." This is the attitude that begins to corrupt my thoughts. Contrary to what I'm allowing myself to believe, it is at times like this that I need to depend on the Lord even more, because this is the time when the devil is going to fight his hardest to get me to fall back into sin.

I do not want to have to fall back into sin before I turn my gaze fully back on God.

"Lord please help me to turn my gaze back to you. Help me to live for you, moment my moment...I do not want to allow myself to fall back into sin once more. Only you can help me Lord...help me to depend on you to give me victory."


Caleb said…
This is a big eye-opener and encouragement. As I have written on my blog, I have been struggling with similar things. Thanks for posting, brother.