The Rules
1. Copy the questions and then answer them (post it on your blog remember).
2. Tag 4 people and let them know you have tagged them.
3. Let the person [who tagged you] know that you have done a post for the tag.
-What are your nicknames? Bubba, Bubba Stinky (Mom's nickname), Bubby (Sister's Nickname for me), JJ (My nickname since I was little), Jay, Huns (Most common navy nickname), Hunsickey...those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
-What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD? I have NO idea!
-What is your favorite scent? Freshly Baked Apple Pie.
-If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on? Well, since I can't really do anything with it right now because I'm in the Navy and I don't want a car over in Japan, I'd probably throw in into a CD so I couldn't touch it until I get out of the Navy. After that I would probably use it to buy a house, and keep the rest in savings.
-What is one place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to? Corregidor, Philippines.
-Do you trust easily? Well, I'm usually a pretty good judge of character, so if it seems like I can trust them, I will, but if they don't seem like I can trust them I won't. It's worked out pretty well so far.
-Do you generally think before your act, or act before you think? Generally I have a tendency to where I over think things, and then act, but once in while, I'll act before I think.
-Is there anything that had made you unhappy these days? Well something that happened today made me a little frustrated, but I prayed about it, and felt better.
-What is your favorite fruit? Probably strawberries, or maybe Apples...
-What websites do you visit daily? Facebook, Blogspot, Navy Federal Credit Union, My Yahoo Email...
-What have you been seriously addicted to lately? My computer, especially around 1130AM - 1245PM. Oh, and also to my iPhone.
-What's the last song that got stuck in you head? I have had "Have Thine Own Way" going through my head for the last couple of days!
-What is your favorite thing to wear? A nice collared shirt, some comfortable shorts, and my converse shoes.
-Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? Yeah, they're pretty good. I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan though.
-What items couldn't you be without during the day? My iPhone, a Computer...
-What should you be doing right now? Cleaning up my workspace...
-I now tag: Whoever wants to fill this out...
1. Copy the questions and then answer them (post it on your blog remember).
2. Tag 4 people and let them know you have tagged them.
3. Let the person [who tagged you] know that you have done a post for the tag.
-What are your nicknames? Bubba, Bubba Stinky (Mom's nickname), Bubby (Sister's Nickname for me), JJ (My nickname since I was little), Jay, Huns (Most common navy nickname), Hunsickey...those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
-What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD? I have NO idea!
-What is your favorite scent? Freshly Baked Apple Pie.
-If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on? Well, since I can't really do anything with it right now because I'm in the Navy and I don't want a car over in Japan, I'd probably throw in into a CD so I couldn't touch it until I get out of the Navy. After that I would probably use it to buy a house, and keep the rest in savings.
-What is one place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to? Corregidor, Philippines.
-Do you trust easily? Well, I'm usually a pretty good judge of character, so if it seems like I can trust them, I will, but if they don't seem like I can trust them I won't. It's worked out pretty well so far.
-Do you generally think before your act, or act before you think? Generally I have a tendency to where I over think things, and then act, but once in while, I'll act before I think.
-Is there anything that had made you unhappy these days? Well something that happened today made me a little frustrated, but I prayed about it, and felt better.
-What is your favorite fruit? Probably strawberries, or maybe Apples...
-What websites do you visit daily? Facebook, Blogspot, Navy Federal Credit Union, My Yahoo Email...
-What have you been seriously addicted to lately? My computer, especially around 1130AM - 1245PM. Oh, and also to my iPhone.
-What's the last song that got stuck in you head? I have had "Have Thine Own Way" going through my head for the last couple of days!
-What is your favorite thing to wear? A nice collared shirt, some comfortable shorts, and my converse shoes.
-Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? Yeah, they're pretty good. I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan though.
-What items couldn't you be without during the day? My iPhone, a Computer...
-What should you be doing right now? Cleaning up my workspace...
-I now tag: Whoever wants to fill this out...
Simply a guess, but I'm pretty sure I know what you were frustrated'll be ok in the end.
Don't worry about it Hannah! It didn't bother me!