Because Hannah Tagged Me...

The Rules
1. Copy the questions and then answer them (post it on your blog remember).
2. Tag 4 people and let them know you have tagged them.
3. Let the person [who tagged you] know that you have done a post for the tag.

-What are your nicknames? Bubba, Bubba Stinky (Mom's nickname), Bubby (Sister's Nickname for me), JJ (My nickname since I was little), Jay, Huns (Most common navy nickname), Hunsickey...those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
-What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD? I have NO idea!
-What is your favorite scent? Freshly Baked Apple Pie.
-If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on? Well, since I can't really do anything with it right now because I'm in the Navy and I don't want a car over in Japan, I'd probably throw in into a CD so I couldn't touch it until I get out of the Navy. After that I would probably use it to buy a house, and keep the rest in savings.
-What is one place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to? Corregidor, Philippines.
-Do you trust easily? Well, I'm usually a pretty good judge of character, so if it seems like I can trust them, I will, but if they don't seem like I can trust them I won't. It's worked out pretty well so far.
-Do you generally think before your act, or act before you think? Generally I have a tendency to where I over think things, and then act, but once in while, I'll act before I think.
-Is there anything that had made you unhappy these days? Well something that happened today made me a little frustrated, but I prayed about it, and felt better.
-What is your favorite fruit? Probably strawberries, or maybe Apples...
-What websites do you visit daily? Facebook, Blogspot, Navy Federal Credit Union, My Yahoo Email...
-What have you been seriously addicted to lately? My computer, especially around 1130AM - 1245PM. Oh, and also to my iPhone.
-What's the last song that got stuck in you head? I have had "Have Thine Own Way" going through my head for the last couple of days!
-What is your favorite thing to wear? A nice collared shirt, some comfortable shorts, and my converse shoes.
-Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? Yeah, they're pretty good. I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan though.
-What items couldn't you be without during the day? My iPhone, a Computer...
-What should you be doing right now? Cleaning up my workspace...
-I now tag: Whoever wants to fill this out...


Hey Jason, after I tagged you I remembered that you aren't a big fan of tags and the like...sorry... :(
Simply a guess, but I'm pretty sure I know what you were frustrated'll be ok in the end.
Amanda said…
Fun answers--especially about being addicted to your computer over lunch break, and your iPhone more often than that. ;)
Jason Hunsicker said…
Shhhh don't tell anyone Rosbud!

Don't worry about it Hannah! It didn't bother me!
Amanda said…
Not a word more! (I asked Hannah if she thought I could comment that, and she said to go ahead, and if you didn't want the comment, you wouldn't publish it--but I won't say anything else.) =)
Oh great! The whole world might as well know now!! LOL! :)
Jason Hunsicker said…
I've actually thought about writing a whole blog on my new friend "bug." How much you have blessed my life!
Oh shoot! Now you're gonna make me cry! Ok...go for it, if you want...
Jason Hunsicker said…
Okay, I'll do it in a couple of days!
Amanda said…
Too bad there isn't a "like" button on Blogger...