Almost home...

So, I realized, my ship has been in port for about two weeks now, and I never updated my blog followers with that information. Sorry!

We pulled in primarily because it seems the danger with the Fukushima Nuclear power plant was no more. But, it was determined that the accident was as bad as the Chernobyl accident. So please continue to pray for the Japanese people as they continue to pick up the pieces, and try to repair the damage.

On another note, I got my separation orders, and my itinerary! I officially leave Japan to head for Puget Sound, WA on May 14th! You'll notice I updated my countdown on the side of blog. I can't give details, and dates, but I can tell you that I only have one more underway before I leave! I can't wait!

On another note entirely, my parents have officially moved to Northern Ashtabula. Living on my Grandmas old property was just getting way too much for them to handle. I hate to say this, but they're both getting kind of "up there" in age, so they need to start slowing things down a little bit. My sister and brother-in-law are going to be living in my grandmas old house, until it can be sold. So, I'll be living with my parents up in Ashtabula when I get home.

I think that's about it for now. I trust that all my followers had a blessed Easter this year. I think we, as Christians, should treat every day as if it were Easter...always reminding ourselves the sacrifice that the Lord made for our salvation.


Caleb said…
Great news to hear! It is really exciting times. I just realized that I only have five more weeks of school left, and then graduation! It's kind of bittersweet...
TexasLady said…
I'm happy for you, only 14 more days to go now! : )