Keeping an Open Hand

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
Philippians 2:5-7

Today in chapel, Dr. Brown, missionary to South Africa preached.  The sermon was very encouraging, and I decided to share it with you, my legit followers...

Jesus held on to two things...His relationship to the Father...and His commitment to do the Father's will...

We too should cling to these things as well, and nothing else!  We can hold the things we have in our hand, but we must not grip them.  What things to we cling to?  Our friends, our children (if we have them), our money, our comfort, our leisure, our dreams/plans, our health, our home, our reputation, our ministry, etc.

Although these things I have listed are precious we must be willing to give them up if God's wants us to...

Tests of an open hand:

How do we respond when what we're holding or gripping might be taken away?
The rich young ruler is an example of a man who had a closed hand (Matthew 19:16-22).
Abraham's hand was open to the point where he was willing to offer his son as a sacrifice (Genesis 22:1-14).

 How do we respond when those things ARE taken?
Many Christians often say, "The safest place to be is in the center of God's will."  I forget the exact words that this speaker said, but it was something to the affect of, "what a bunch of bologna!"
Being in the center of God's will could even lead to a martyr's death!  Being in His will could lead us into a country with great poverty, and hard trails...would I be willing to go?
This reminds me of the quote from Chronicles of Narnia...Lucy is asking Mr. Tumnus about Aslan and she says, "Is he safe?"  Mr. Tumnus responds, "No...but he is good."
I'm currently reading a book called "Tortured for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand.
In the book he's tortured by communists in Romania...and he never gave up his faith.  God gave him the strength, and even the joy to continue working for the gospel in that environment.
God may call us to live a similar life as this...are we willing?

What happens when something is pried from your closed fist?
When something is pried from it...we have a closed fist...
When your hand is open...and something is taken out of our hands...our hands are in the position of worship...
Job...he held onto the things of this world lightly...and when he loses everything...he responds by grieving, and then worshipping...

Hold lightly to the things of this world...cling only to the Father, just like Jesus did...
