Serving Those In The Church Who Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction

There are many topics on which God has given me a great amount of passion, and one of these things is the way that the church is/has handled the issue of Homosexuality and Same-Sex Attraction.  I have been going back and forth in my mind about whether to write a blog post on this issue, because I think it's a big problem.  Too many Christians are afraid to talk about this issue because they're afraid of condemnation, or being treated differently because of their struggle.  Too many Christians stand at a "safe distance" so as not to be identified with them, and what they need is our love...our support, and to be treated like any Christian who has struggles with sin. I said, I've been wanting to write a blog post on this, but I found a blog post on another blog that handles this issue way better than I could.  I've read the book by the guy who's interviewed called, Is God Anti-Gay? and it is an excellent book!  I highly recommend it...anywho...follow this link to read the article: Serving Those In the Church Who Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction.
