Taking the Gospel for Granted

I was raised in a Christian home where the Gospel was presented clearly and often. I often tell people I’ve been hearing the Gospel since infancy. Because of this, I can often fall into the trap of taking it for granted. I think, of course, Jesus died for me! Of course, He’s the only way! Of course, I’m not saved by works! I’m very thankful that this was how I was raised…but I can easily lose sight of the beautiful glories of the Gospel. I can lose sight of how thankful I ought to be for it.

But occasionally, God will bring me to something that reminds me of the wonders of God’s grace toward me in the Gospel. Most of the time, it’s while reading the Scriptures…but sometimes through other means. The means he used this time was a video of an ex-Mormon sharing his testimony. So I’m going to share it below. I hope it encourages my brothers and sisters in Christ…and that God might even use it to plant a seed into the heart of an unbeliever that might spring up into faith in Christ. If you have questions after watching it, don’t hesitate to contact me. Here’s my email: jsnhnsckr787@gmail.com.

Alright…here’s the video…
